Blog Archives

Upcoming Google Nexus Smartphone @ Rs 6,000 only

Woh Ho…! This is really amazing guys, Google may launch Google Nexus Smartphone Series with a starting and stunning price range of $100 USD i.e. around Rs 6000 only.

Wouldn’t this be great for such guys who are willing to have a real trendy and updated android smartphone but are using a…

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Posted by: Himanshu Goel

Nokia Switched to Android Smartphones with first Nokia X Launch

Today Nokia while making Windows Smartphones (not got success as expected), so now they launched Nokia X, the first Android Smartphone by the company to run on Google’s Android Operating System.

This Phone is priced at Rs 8,599, which will be available through online and offline retailers…

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Posted by: Himanshu Goel

Bio Batteries to Charge & Run Smartphones upto 10 Days BackUp

Hey Guys! This is really amazing that Scientists have finally developed a source “Bio Battery” which will power up the smartphones up-to 10 days Battery Back-up (the only thing where smartphone lacks…).

Yes, this is true, acc. to HT few Scientists have successfully developed a…

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Posted by: Himanshu Goel

Lowest Price of Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo @ Rs 37,990 only

WOW! recently, Samsung launched the new Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo in India last week and was kept on pre-order for a reduced price tag. But, the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo version is now available in India for Sale @ Rs 37,990 only.

>>  Buy The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo @ Rs. 37,990 (fr…

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Posted by: Himanshu Goel

Moto G Smartphone Launched in India, Price, Specifications

Wow! After so long there is a Topic on Motorola, INDIA. Guys it was like Motorola have extinguished from INDIA, as no one was able to see Motorola in the INDIAN Market. But recently Motorola is back in the market and Launched Moto G Smartphone in INDIA with an average budget of an 8GB variant at…

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Posted by: Himanshu Goel

INDIA’s No.1 ODI Ranking lost after defeated by New Zealand

This really doesn’t sounds good to me when I read about INDIA lost its #1 Ranking in ODI’s when defeated by New Zealand, in Hamilton, on 22-01-2014.

According to the sources, and other Ideas this could not have had happened, as the defeat was due to rain-truncated second One-Day International…

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Posted by: Himanshu Goel

Experiment By Chitra Thiyagarajan Converts Plastic Into Fuel – Great Achievement By Indians

INDIA’s Got Talent is not just a Television Program but a real phrase which suits and is deserved by Country’s People – we INDIANS.

This is a great news that once again another INDIAN have become a future personality and have Successfully Completed an Experiment that was never in a mind of a normal person. A female named Chitra Thiyagarajan has proved INDIANS are having the Best Brains by creating such a Technology which can convert plastic into fuel (some kind of Diesel).

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INDIA got 2 Gold medals. Hurray ! Thanks to Deepika And Devendra

INDIA got 2 Gold medals. Hurray ! Thanks to Deepika And Devendra

Congo Guys!

On Monday INDIAN players won and brought to gold medals to the country pride. The 1st star of the day “Deepika kumari” who won a world level gold medal in Archery at World cup, where she had came up with victory from a Chinese opponent.

Devendra Jhajhariya – Throwing Javelin in Action

Similarly, our 2nd start “Devendra jhajhariya” won a gold medal for INDIA by winning against “Liyon” From France in World Para-Olympics Championship. Also, “Devendra jhajhariya” is a man who works in railways at class-4 level, and has alreadt lost his one arm before sometime in an accident.

Graced People – Proudest Country People

Reliable 4 You

Salman Khan & Shahrukh Khan Together – What is it ?

Hello Guys !

I do not understand why people are making it a huge thing that Salman Khan and shahrukh khan got together once again. i mean did they ever noticed so deeply for their lives, have they ever been patched up together with some fellow feeling same joy and happiness being together.

it’s not like that they have been together and i didn’t liked it but what’s so big in exploring this everywhere. friends left their personal conversation and started gossiping about them. it is really going viral, no body is interested in knowing what other things are happening around. everyone even forgot about the disaster we had a few days back where people died good for nothing.

do this friendship values more than that, and if yes, then tell so that even i could enjoy this feeling.

Why ?

Himanshu Goel

First ever INDIAN Badminton League (IBL) – Saina Nehwal To Play For Hometown

First ever INDIAN Badminton League (IBL) – Saina Nehwal To Play For Hometown

Congo Guys !

This is for the first time that INDIA is having an Indian Badminton League, this is not a joke instead a time to proud for Country and Country People.

Well, we all know that where there is a league, there is a leakage. Confused, let me clear this, this INDIAN Badminton league organized is for the huge prize money of 10 lakh dollars ($1,000,000) that is if we convert this amount in a lum sum INDIAN Rupees it converts out something around Rs 5,97,20,000 (5 Crore ninety seven lakhs and twenty thousand).

Well, this is as clear as listening to your favorite music at 3:00 AM (ha ha ha) jokes apart, where there is PRIZE there is always a PRICE. Yes, there has been pricing done to buy players for this particular IBL- INDIAN Badminton League as following:

Li Chaung Veyi – the worlds no.1 Badminton player from Malaysia has been hired by Mumbai masters at the price of $135,000 (Rs 80,62,000) Eighty lakhs sixty two thousand, to play for Mumbai Masters.

Saina Nehwal – the INDIA’s No.1 Badminton player from INDIA hometown Hyderabad has been hired by the hometown team Hyderabad HotShots at the price of $1,20,000 (Rs 71,67,000) seventy one lakhs sixty seven thousands, with a will that she will defeat everyone else at her hometown to prove herself.


Let’s see guys what will be the final results.